Invisalign Timeline: How Long Does It Take to Have a Straight Smile?

Invisalign timeline

About 65 percent of the population in America has misaligned teeth. Thanks to innovation in dentistry, these people don’t have to wear headgears anymore. The Invisalign treatment plan involves the usage of a plastic aligner to straighten your teeth.

People prefer the Invisalign process because it doesn’t involve introducing metal in the mouth. Besides, the clarity of the material allows adults to wear them in public spaces.

However, most people are skeptical about the extent of the Invisalign timeline. They worry that they might have the trays on for a long time, and it might affect their speech.

Keep reading this guide to understand how long you have to wear Invisalign trays.

The Invisalign Process

The Invisalign treatment plan can be lengthy because it’s designed to put your teeth in place slowly. Note that the alignment process doesn’t correct all dental issues.

You will have to consult your dentist about other procedures if you also have cavity issues. This is common in people with crooked teeth, where the gaps allow favorable conditions for the build-up of bacteria.

The dentist takes a full scan of your mouth. Then use the digital dental map to create your aligners. It’s a priority that the trays fit your mouth just right.

After the first appointment, you’ll have the trays on for about seven weeks before you can schedule another visit. Your dentist will then decide whether or not to assign you a new set of aligners. Every time you get a new set, it means your teeth are closer to where they should be.

The aligners only move the teeth a bit. Thus, it can be hard to notice the effects of the process. Yet, some patients start to notice a shift in the jaw after two weeks. Others go for as long as five months without any change.

You’ll need to consult your dentist if you can’t notice the effects of the Invisalign process after five months. The dentist will confirm whether there is a need to change the plastic trays.

However, the Invisalign process can test your patience. Don’t be in a rush to change procedures. You might interfere with the alignment process that was already in motion.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The extent of the Invisalign timeline period varies because the process is unique for everyone. Misalignment of teeth can happen due to various factors. Thus, dentists come up with a custom Invisalign treatment plan for every patient.

Besides, the patients’ dental care habits contribute to the duration of the Invisalign timeline. The average Invisalign treatment plan will go for about 12 – 18 months. However, the period can be much shorter if you adapt better dental hygiene practices.

Factors That Affect The Extent Of The Invisalign Timeline

The duration of your Invisalign process will depend on the individual. Minor alignment processes take about six months, especially where the patient follows a healthy diet. The alignment process will take longer to heal if you don’t take good care of your teeth.

Besides, your teeth might be growing larger than what your jaw can accommodate. This creates a condition known as teeth crowding. Consult a dentist early if you notice two teeth growing in the same space.

Your Invisalign treatment process will take longer if you let several teeth overcrowd. Most people only start treating the condition only when it gets severe. So the dentist has to assign another correction process before they can begin the Invisalign treatment plan.

Diastemata is the reverse condition of teeth crowding, and it can also affect the timeline of your treatment plan. It’s more common in mouths where the teeth are smaller than the jawline.

The dentist will use an Invisalign process to achieve a streamlined smile that closes the gaps between teeth. Most gaps take about a year and a half to close fully.

When Do You Need The Correction Process?

The dentist will recommend correction methods like bonding and veneers in extreme cases. This especially happens when the jawline is too large compared to the teeth.

The patients’ age also contributes to the duration of the Invisalign process. Kids and young adults experience quicker recovery rates because their teeth are still growing. Thus, their teeth set is easily dislocated from its position.

Yet, this should not discourage older adults. The correction process works for people of all ages.

The Invisalign treatment plan is bound to work if you follow the dentists’ advice. Patients who don’t take the treatment plan seriously use the aligners for a long time.

Teeth tend to move back to their original position when you aren’t using the aligners. It might take you a while to adjust to the feel of plastic in your mouth.

However, you can only get the desired results if you wear the aligners for 22 hours a day. Dentists recommend taking them out only when eating or brushing your teeth.

Precautions During The Invisalign Treatment

So that the Invisalign process can be effective, you’ll need to avoid some practices. The first thing is to avoid removing your Invisalign trays regularly.

If you need to adjust your trays, consult your dentist. They will exchange it for a better fit.

Dentists suggest that the patients take good care of the plastic aligners. If you damage a tray, you’ll have to wait before your dentist can get another one. The waiting period can reverse the straightening process.

Moreover, dentists advise keeping the trays clean at all times to avoid teeth infection. You should also avoid having the same Invisalign tray for a long time. This habit will stagnate the alignment process.

The Invisalign Treatment Plan

Don’t let your smile affect your confidence any longer. Consult your dentist to determine which Invisalign treatment plan would work best for you.

Worry less about how long you’ll have to wear the trays. The procedure will work if you follow the dentists’ recommendations.

As noted, the extent of the Invisalign timeline will depend on several factors. More severe conditions will take longer to correct.

Our dedicated dentists aim at providing a tailored solution for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation today.



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