Invisalign FAQs: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

invisalign faqs

Are you hiding your smile behind closed lips? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. In fact, more than half of America feels insecure about their teeth.

About 70% of people feel self-conscious about their teeth. Another 61% wish they could change something about their teeth. With Invisalign aligners, you can!

Not sure if Invisalign braces are the ideal treatment option for your needs? Here are a few Invisalign FAQs to review first. After reading this guide, you can make a more informed decision with your dental care needs in mind.

You can schedule a consultation appointment with your Invisalign provider to determine if aligners can help your oral health.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about Invisalign treatment today!

1. How Does It Work?

First, it helps to know a little more about how Invisalign treatment works.

Your provider will review your spacing and gap issues to determine if you’re an ideal candidate. Then, they’ll create a scan or mold of your teeth. Your provider will use the scan to create clear, plastic aligners.

Your Invisalign aligners will fit around your teeth. The plastic is strong enough to put pressure on your teeth. This pressure will ensure your teeth move into the desired position.

You’ll likely replace your aligner trays every one or two weeks. Your treatment plan will vary based on your distinct needs.

You’ll need to wear your invisible braces between 20 and 22 hours each day. You can take your trays off to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. Otherwise, it’s important to keep your trays in place.

Otherwise, you might experience a delay in your treatment. 

2. How Long Does Treatment Take?

Many people consider how long treatment will take before deciding to wear Invisalign aligners.

The duration of your treatment can vary based on your jaw and teeth. For some patients, treatment can last between eight and 10 months. However, you should speak with your provider for a more accurate timeline.

They’ll help you determine how long you’ll need treatment based on your oral health goals.

3. Can I See Before and After Photos?

Your Invisalign provider can take a scan of your teeth to determine how they’ll look after treatment. You can look at your “after” images to make sure treatment meets your goals.

Otherwise, ask for patient reviews and before/after photos. You can study the difference to determine if treatment meets your expectations.

4. What Are the Benefits of Treatment?

Talk to your provider about the potential Invisalign benefits you can experience, too.

For starters, Invisalign treatment will help straighten your teeth. You can close the gaps between your teeth as well. You can feel more confident in your smile and start showing it off!

Invisalign benefits your gum health, too.

When your teeth are crooked, it can feel more difficult to brush and floss. Without proper oral care, you can develop plaque and tartar. Inflammation might occur as well.

Inflammation can cause gum disease, or gingivitis. You might experience pain and bleeding gums, too. Invisalign treatment can straighten your teeth, reducing your risk of gingivitis.

If you’re missing teeth, your orthodontist might recommend dental implants. Otherwise, surrounding teeth will lean toward the gap. Your teeth might start to look crooked as a result.

Invisalign aligners can straighten your teeth, making room for your implant.

Remember, you’ll have an easier time brushing and flossing once your teeth are straight, too. You can keep food particles at bay, reducing your risk of decay and cavities.

With Invisalign treatment, you can improve your overall oral health. 

5. What Happens Afterward?

Before starting Invisalign treatment, talk to your provider about your treatment plan. Make sure you understand what happens after treatment.

Once you complete your Invisalign treatment, you’ll still need to wear a retainer. Your retainer will keep your teeth straight. After a few months, you’ll need your retainer less and less.

Your provider will help you determine your distinct dental care needs after treatment. 

6. Am I An Ideal Candidate?

Schedule a consultation appointment with your Invisalign provider or orthodontist. They can review the state of your teeth. With their help, you can determine if you’re an ideal candidate for Invisalign aligners.

Invisalign treatment is often ideal for patients with:

  • Mildly crooked teeth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Excessive central tooth overlaps
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Mild underbites or overbites
  • Imperfect positioning of teeth when the mouth is closed

You might develop these mild dental issues due to oral diseases, injuries, or genetics. Even thumb sucking when you’re younger can cause these issues.

It’s important to note that misplaced and crooked teeth aren’t only cosmetic issues. They can also contribute to major dental health issues.

For example, a gap between your teeth can give food particles a place to hide. You could develop plaque and tartar, leading to gingivitis. Without treatment, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease.

Your teeth could become loose and fall out.

Dental issues can also cause earaches, jaw pain, and headaches without treatment.

Discuss these questions about Invisalign with your provider. If they determine you’re an ideal candidate, start treatment right away. Beginning treatment can help you avoid these complications.

Invisalign isn’t ideal for everyone, though. For example, it’s not ideal for treating severe oral issues. If you have an extreme over- or underbite, you might need braces.

You might need to have your jawbone physically shifted. Invisalign aligners can’t correct bone issues.

Speaking with a provider will help you determine the best dental care solutions for your distinct needs. 

7. How Much Does It Cost?

Once you have answers to your Invisalign FAQs, shop around. Find a provider that suits your budget.

The national average cost for Invisalign is between $3,000 and $5,000. In comparison, traditional metal bracket braces cost between $2,000 and $6,000.

Prices can vary based on your oral health needs, location, and insurance coverage.

Straight, Stunning Smiles: 7 Invisalign FAQs to Help You Prepare

Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from seeking treatment. Instead, keep these Invisalign FAQs in mind before talking to your provider. With their help, you can determine if you’re an ideal candidate.

Then, you can start wearing your Invisalign aligners for a straight, stunning smile!

Eager to get started? We can help.

Request your free virtual consultation today!


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