In the past, braces were worn mostly by teenagers. Nowadays, that isn’t the case. People of all ages are opting for orthodontic treatment to improve their smile.
Whether you need braces for yourself, your teenager, or your child, there are plenty of options. Of course, you could always go for traditional metal braces with wires and brackets. Before you make a decision, you should consider the benefits that clear braces offer.
Even if you already know the benefits of braces, this article will help you decide if clear braces are the right orthodontic solution for you.
1. Discreet
When getting braces, many people worry about how their appearance will change. They may feel embarrassed to smile or socialize as much as they did previously. Consequently, they may have lower self-esteem or confidence.
One of the great benefits of clear braces is that they are practically invisible. It is unlikely that anyone will even notice that you are wearing them. That means that you can smile, laugh, and socialize without feeling like everyone is looking at your braces.
While students may be incredibly self-conscious when it comes to braces, adults often feel the same way. They can feel more comfortable when meeting clients, interacting with customers, or giving presentations at work when using clear aligners.
2. Easy to Clean
When receiving orthodontic treatment, the last thing you want to deal with is cavities or other oral issues. Those who wear metal braces need to pay special attention to their oral hygiene routine, which can be tedious. Cleaning braces may require you to use interdental cleaners, floss, and oral irrigation systems in addition to your toothbrush.
Clear braces, on the other hand, are much simpler to clean. Since you remove them to brush your teeth, your oral hygiene routine stays almost the same. You need to remember to clean your aligners before putting them back into your mouth, and flossing is always a good idea.
3. Removable
Do you have an important event coming up? Perhaps you are getting married, giving a speech, or having professional photos taken. If you decide that you don’t want to wear your clear aligners, you don’t have to.
They are not fixed to your teeth, so you can take them out for several hours if you wish. Remember to put them back in your mouth after you finish your event to avoid delays in your treatment plan.
4. Fewer Trips to the Dentist
Braces need adjustments, and that means going to the dentist quite frequently. Clear braces, on the other hand, only require office visits about once every eight weeks. Usually, these appointments are brief.
Your dentist will likely examine your teeth to make sure everything is going as planned. They will then provide you with your new sets of aligners, which you will change yourself periodically. That leaves you more time in your busy schedule to enjoy your favorite activities.
5. No Food Restrictions
If you’ve ever known someone with braces, you may recall that they couldn’t eat certain foods during treatment. These include popcorn, hard or chewy candy, ice, nuts, chips, and chewing gum. Your dentist will also suggest limiting the amount of sugar your intake.
Clear braces don’t have these restrictions because you must remove clear braces while eating or drinking. When you finish your meal, you simply brush your teeth before reinserting your plastic aligner trays. That means you’ll never miss out on your favorite foods!
6. More Comfortable
When patients get braces, they often complain about scrapes and sores on the inside of their cheeks. This discomfort is usually caused by the metal brackets that can rub or poke at this sensitive area.
Clear aligners do not contain any metal, as they are a smooth plastic material. You will find that they comfortably fit inside your mouth. After the first few days, you may not even notice you’re wearing clear braces.
7. Safe for People of All Ages
People of all ages can benefit from clear braces. Many dentists recommend this form of orthodontic treatment to children and adolescents. This is especially true when young ones are involved in sports or band since these activities can lead to injuries when wearing braces.
Your dentist can tell you when to get braces for your child and make recommendations based on their age and ability to care for their oral health. As a parent, you are ultimately the best person to decide since you know your child best.
8. Effectively Correct Dental Issues
With all the advantages of wearing clear braces, you may wonder if they are as effective as metal alternatives. Studies show that both clear and metal braces are effective when treating most oral problems. If your teeth need extensive treatment, your dentist will tell you whether clear aligners are an option.
As the patient, you play a crucial part in the effectiveness and length of your treatment. You will alter it if you don’t wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day. That means you need to do your best to take out the trays for as little time as possible.
Those who wear clear braces are almost always satisfied with their final results. They even have a shorter treatment time than individuals with metal brackets.
9. Beautiful Results
Of course, the most significant benefit of clear braces is the results you’ll have. You don’t even have to wait to see these changes taking place in your mouth. Since your aligners are clear, you will notice your smile becoming more beautiful and straighter throughout the whole process.
By the end of your treatment, you will have the beautiful, perfectly straight smile that you’ve always wanted. With proper care, these results will last a lifetime!
Experience the Benefits of Clear Braces Firsthand
Clear braces are the obvious choice when it comes to orthodontic treatment. They are aesthetically appealing and easy to care for while providing outstanding results.
If you are thinking about getting clear braces, such as Invisalign, you will want the best care possible. At San Diego Invisalign, we are Certified Elite Preferred Invisalign dentists, a distinction less than one percent of dentists receive.
Are you looking for an Invisalign certified dentist in the San Diego area? If so, contact us now for your free consultation!