Invisalign treatment for misaligned teeth issues has a 96 percent satisfaction rate. That’s right – 96 percent!
Not only are more people satisfied with this treatment method over traditional braces, but the treatment period is also much shorter. Most Invisalign patients can complete treatment in under a year, while traditional metal braces often take between 18 months and three years to achieve the final results.
While this is true, Invisalign isn’t magic. You have to take steps and use the Invisalign tips here to get the most out of this treatment.
Continue Flossing Daily
If you are like most people, you brush your teeth on a daily basis. However, over 32 percent of the U.S. population has stated they never floss, while another 37 percent don’t floss on a daily basis.
While you should be flossing regardless of if you have Invisalign, it’s especially important with this dental treatment. The aligners used hold gunk that is left after your daily cleaning routine against your teeth. They also prevent your saliva from doing the work it’s supposed to do if you weren’t wearing the aligners.
This means you have to take the extra step to floss daily. Failure to do this can lead to cavities and other issues.
Follow the 48-Hour Instruction
For the initial two days after you receive a new aligner tray, you need to wear it as much as possible. Dr.Eshom and San Diego Invisalign dentists will recommend that you only take it out to brush your teeth and eat, and then it should be put back immediately.
While it is important to wear your aligners as often as you can possible, this is even more important in those initial 48 hours.
Commit to Wearing the Aligners a Minimum of 22 Hours Per Day
Invisalign can only work if you actually wear your trays for most of the day. If you aren’t willing to keep them in for at least 22 hours per day, then you won’t see the results desired very quickly.
Change Your Aligners on Time and in the Proper Order
If your Dr. Eshom or San Diego Invisalign team member tells you it’s time to change your aligner for the next one, then change it. If they tell you to leave it in for a few more days, then leave it alone.
You aren’t going to make your treatment move along faster if you put in a different tray before you are told to do so.
It Will Feel Weird at First
The majority of people who get Invisalign state they can feel the aligners, especially during the initial days of wearing them, pushing against their teeth. This isn’t a painful sensation (which can’t be said of the traditional metal braces after they are adjusted).
If you wear your aligners day after day, for the recommended amount of time, then this sensation is going to become less and less. Eventually, you probably won’t even notice they are present. This is ok. Your teeth are still moving. They just have “momentum’ now so it isn’t as noticeable.
The Learning Curve for Talking can be Steep
Before putting in your first aligner, you need to know the reality of what to expect. The fact is, until you get used to the aligners (and in some cases, even after), you may speak with a lisp.
The best way to eradicate this issue is not by removing the tray, but to practice talking while you have it in. This will help you get used to everything quickly.
The Aligners are Virtually Invisible to Other People
One of the main complaints of people who use Invisalign is that they feel as though everyone is going to notice they are wearing the trays. This just simply isn’t the case.
Also, if you consider the alternative – metal braces – then you will clearly see that these invisible trays are much less visible.
There’s No Need to Fear the Invisalign Attachments
There are some people who opt to use what is called “buttons” with their Invisalign aligners. These are designed to help speed up your treatment and are often used at our office.
The design of the button works to move a tooth, hold a tray in place, or do something similar. There are some who may shy away from these; however, they can really help to speed up the treatment and make it more predictable. This is great if you want to get straighter teeth in less time.
Care for Your Aligners Properly
The best way for you to keep your Invisalign trays clean is by using antibacterial soap and warm water. There are also specialty products offered by Invisalign to clean these products. You can also use traditional denture or retainer cleaning tabs. DO NOT CLEAN WITH HOT WATER!
It is not a good idea to use coarse toothpaste for cleaning your trays. This can actually scratch the plastic and create the ideal environment for bacteria growth.
Stick to Any Dietary Instructions You are Given
One of the main tips you need to follow is to drink plenty of water. Just like with traditional braces, your mouth is going to “know” that something has changed.
There are some people who produce more saliva to try an remove the obstruction, which can result in the individual becoming dehydrated rather quickly.
The San Diego Invisalign Team will also let you know if there are any foods off limits during treatment. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully.
Invisalign Tips: Now You Know
If you are ready to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment, then your best bet is to implement the Invisalign tips found here. They will help you get the straight, beautiful smile you want and deserve faster than other treatment methods.
Being informed is the best way to know if Invisalign is the right treatment for you, and how to make the most of it. We can help answer any questions you may have and provide a number of deals and discounts for our patients. Contact our office for any questions that you may have!